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Error processing SSI file
Error processing SSI file
2nd Annual - United Warrior Survivor Foundation - Golf Tournament  --  May 11, 2004
  • What We Hope to Accomplish
  • What We DID Accomplish
  • Why We are Involved
  • Who is Involved
  • Photo Gallery
  • ~~~  Why We are Involved  ~~~
    This web page gives people an opportunity to express their thoughts on paper. We encourage you to share your opinions and feelings. It helps us and others to better understand why we are involved. It has been our experience that people take part and help our country in these trying times when given an opportunity. Please write. Your words may encourage others to participate.

    Thank you.

    Joe Tarzana Contributor / Special Guest
    Brian Lambert Volunteer
    Fitz-Albert Abraham Player
    Mike Talleda Volunteer
    Jon Sloey Volunteer
    Kristina Gist Volunteer
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