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1st Annual - September 11th Memorial - Golf Tournament  --  November 29, 2001
  • What We Hope to Accomplish
  • What We DID Accomplish    Letter from our sponsored family
  • Why We are Involved    Letters of Thoughts and Feelings
  • Who is Involved    List of Player Groupings
  • Photo Gallery
  • Accounting
  • ~~~  Why We are Involved  ~~~
    This section of our web page is for you to express your thoughts and feeling and/or how you have been affected by the Sep 11th Bombing of the WTC and any other comments you may have about the tournament itself including your reason for participation. There is much therapeutic value in expressing yourself. Submit to
    Mike Talleda event co-organizer
    Mariana Gitomer media relations
    Jim Evans web production
    J. Alex Hodges participant
    Mark Pagniano graphic designer
    Gary Miller golfer
    Elva Loera phone calls, publicity, e-mail correspondence, etc.
    Margarita Talleda search for a family - Letter 1
    Margarita Talleda search for a family - Letter 2
    Mariana Gitomer search for a family
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